About Participation

Monmouth Circle Zen has no outside funding source. We rely on a broad base of support to cover the rental of Edgewood House Zendo and our operating expenses as a religious organization. We are not a 501c(3) non-profit and your donations are not tax deductible. Details about our budget and financial health are available from our Treasurer.

See also an Invitation to Participate from our Zen Priest and Spiritual Director John Kotatsu Bailes.

Monmouth Zen Circle benefits greatly from your membership, but you benefit as well.

Benefits of Participation

  1. Supporting a growing Zen practice community and the experiment of a committed lay practice.
  2. Access to Spiritual Director John Kotatsu Bailes. You are invited to consider John to be your priest. He is available to meet with you privately in dokusan during most zazen periods at the zendo or to consult with you by phone or email about your practice. John is also glad to perform ceremonies for members including weddings, funerals, blessing ceremonies and health and well-being ceremonies at the zendo or your home.

Ways to Support the Sangha

You can support the sangha by:

  1. DONATING: Make donations in cash to Monmouth Zen Circle.
  2. DANA: Support our Teacher directly through donations.
  3. VOLUNTEERING: Support the sangha by helping.