
The Tenzo is the head cook during Sessions.

He/She organizes the meals before the Sesshin, soliciting prepared food or on-site meal preparations from Sesshin participants, purchases food supplies to bring to the Sesshin, and sets up the kitchen just before the Sesshin.

At a Thursday to Sunday Sesshin, the Tenzo works with an assistant to prepare all meals, including an informal meal Thursday night, breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Friday and Saturday, and an informal breakfast on Sunday.  Sesshin participants help with food preparations and clean-up after meals.

After meals have been prepared and placed on the meal table at Friday and Saturday breakfast and lunch, the Tenzo prepares a small food plate for the Priest to offer at the altar.

At the end of Seshin, the Tenzo supervises clearing out the remaining food to take or throw out and cleaning the kitchen.

Assistants & clean up people instructions:

  • Wash and dry all dishes and utensils and return to their places
  • Wipe off all tables and counters in dining room with Simple Green.
  • Empty all trashcans, take trash to dumpster.
  • Sweep all the floors (dining & Kitchen).